Saturday, December 24, 2011

To Thine Self Be True

Greetings Ladies!!

Okay, so it appears that this is a holiday blog. LOL! I last posted around Thanksgiving and now here comes Christmas. Oh well, I have been a buzzzy bee lately, but I will try my best to post more often. Nonetheless, here it goes...

I am not ashamed anymore. I used to feel incomplete. I did not always make the best choices or decisions. I did not know how to love myself at one point...oh but God. As I look over my life, I have had some good times, and some not so good, but through it all, I AM STILL STANDING STRONG. I am confident and so very proud to be the woman that God created me to be. At this time in my life, I have no regrets and I love the woman that I am today. Flaws and all! There was a time when I was not sure who I was and allowed other people's opinions to play a part in defining me.

Some of my sisterfriends and I have had conversations about relationships over the years and have pointed out some of the challenges that we have faced all for the sake of what we thought was love. It was really infatuation most of the time, but it appeared so real a lot of the times. Years ago, I really began to allow God to define love, His love (John 3:16). To be honest, I asked Him to show me how to love me the way that He does. That truly opened my eyes to a whole new world. I learned that you must truly love yourself before you can love another and know your self-worth. For instance, specifically in a romantic relationship, you must be willing to walk away if you are violated emotionally, physically, et cetera. How many of us have stayed in unhealthy relationships all for the sake of what we defined as love and it was really infatuation? How many of us have made conscientious decisions to move forward because we knew we deserved much more?

Consequently, I know a young woman who was conceived in a very tragic situation. Her mother was a drug addict and was in a situation where she got raped...this was this young woman's beginning. She was raised by a close family member who challenged her to set her goals high despite her dreadful beginning. This family member also was very open and honest with her through her upbringing; she was taught to love and respect herself in spite of her challenges. Today, at the age of 23, this young woman has finished her undergraduate degree and will soon head off to graduate school. She is currently in a romantic relationship, but chose to set boundaries from the beginning that she expressed to her male friend. If those boundaries are violated, she is not afraid to walk away no matter how she feels. She should be an inspiration to us all.

Fortunately, I am very blessed to have learned what it means to love and respect myself. I won't settle for less. I have those boundaries set and will not allow anyone to challenge me about them. In the words of a popular song, "Even if my man broke my heart today, no matter how much pain I'm in I will be okay. 'Cause I got a Man in my life that can't be replaced for His love is unconditional, it won't go away..."

Love is an action word...don't settle for the substitute. To Thine Self Be True.

Have an empowered to prosper day!

Keep The Faith,

Elle Jene'