Saturday, November 26, 2011

"Never Settle: You Are A Diamond!"


I contemplated for a while about starting this blog. Never do I want to be perceived as someone who is judgmental although it may come across that way to some. Oh well, this is my show, as Beyonce' would say, so here it goes. Most recently, I read an article where a young woman said that after a few long term relationships where she experienced hurt and disappointment because those relationships did not lead to marriage, then the next man that she is in a long term relationship with does not have to put a ring on it. As long as he loves her and cares for her, then she is alright with that. Okay...If all of us would just be honest about it, we would all have to say that we have experienced or know someone who has experienced hurt, disappointment or both. Although, if you have not yet, as our elders would say, "Just keep living." Now, I am not here to judge the young woman or say that she is wrong for how she feels, but I would like to give another viewpoint. As a woman who serves as a mentor to several young ladies, I simply cannot agree that a woman should settle for less. I don't care what the statistics or the naysayers have to say. If he loves you and cares for you, then he should want to put a ring on it. Diamonds Deserve Diamonds!!

Although a woman may experience some feelings of loneliness when waiting on the one that God has especially for her, she must know that special someone is looking for her. Plus, no one is an island and someone is actually looking at you to see how you respond. Continue to move forward and know that you are a diamond, whether you are currently in a relationship or not.

To my peers: "The next generation should learn from us and do even better. And, we should be willing to be transparent with them. You don't have to tell every detail of your life in order to be a positive influence in some one's life. Know that one of the best gifts that we can give to the next generation is the gift of ourselves, flaws and all, so that they can stand on our shoulders and become greater."

Well, that is all for now. I will talk with you soon.

Moving Forward...